Pastoral Reference Pastoral Reference Form Name of the applicant Your Name Church Church Address Church Phone Your Phone Church Position How long have you known the applicant? Do you know the applicant well? YesNo Did you know that the applicant intended to apply for this school? YesNo What are their strengths? What are their weaknesses? How have you seen God move in their life? In your opinion, how does this school align with their call and journey? What areas has the applicant been serving in the church? Have they been affective in these areas? YesNoSomewhat Has the applicant been in any leadership capacity in the church? YesNo If yes, please explain Do you have any hesitations about the applicant attending this school? YesNo If yes, please explain How do you think the applicant will adapt to community living? How do you think the applicant would adjust to any absence of western luxuries, such as running showers, flushing toilets and stretcher mattress on a missionary trip? To your knowledge has the applicant been involved/struggled in any of the following: drugs, alcohol, sexual relations, homosexuality, aggressive behaviour, pornography, eating disorder, occult or any addictive behaviours? YesNo If yes, please explain what it was and how the person has journeyed through that with God. Since their conversion, to your knowledge has the applicant ever proven to be untrustworthy, unreliable, or exhibit any other questionable character flaws that would warrant attention? YesNo If yes, please explain. Please rate the following areas by circling the most appropriate number: 1 = Unsatisfactory: The person's performance does not meet expectations. Improvement is essential. 2 = Below Average: Performance is adequate. The person meets most expectations but needs improvement. 3 = Average: Performance is satisfactory. The person meets expectations & standards. 4 = Above Average: Consistently performs at a higher level than required. 5 = Excellent: Performance is outstanding in all phases. Achievements and contributions greatly exceed expectations & standards. Spiritual maturity : 12345 Emotional maturity : 12345 Physical condition : 12345 Social awareness : 12345 Team work : 12345 Reliability : 12345 Financial management : 12345 Time management : 12345 Initiative : 12345 Communication : 12345 Leadership skills : 12345 Flexibility : 12345 Teachable : 12345 Conflict resolution skills : 12345 Ability to follow instruction : 12345 Servant heart : 12345 Honesty : 12345 Additional comments: Δ