Main Campus

RPM Africa


Our Vision

Under the guidance of Apostles Pierre and Maxine Esterhuizen, this apostolic ministry is dedicated to church planting, leader equipping, and discipling across all 54 nations of Africa.

The goal is to develop a network of Acts 4:32–37 churches that will shape the spiritual landscape of the continent.

Our Mission

The Gospel has woven its way through Africa, sowing seeds that are now ready for harvest and in desperate need of discipleship.

Guided by the Spirit, the RPM team will travel to various countries, connecting with church leaders.

Our apostolic team will make a significant impact through out Africa ministering, equipping, and building connections with local church leaders and their congregations.

Get ready for Acts 4:32–37 to come alive across the heart of Africa!

RPM Africa Children’s Foundation

Through RPM Africa Children’s Foundation we aim to establish schools and orphanages through out Africa. Equiping Principals, Teachers and Students with the stationary and equipment they need to teach and learn effectively.  Administrators will be sent to help them manage the running of the schools and orphanages as well as the building process.

This will done through building relationships with Pastors throughout Africa who are already caring for the young children of this continent and who have a desire to build orphanages and schools for this generation of potential world changes.

RPM Africa Children’s Foundation

Through RPM Africa Children’s Foundation we aim to establish schools and orphanages through out Africa. Equiping Principals, Teachers and Students with the stationary and equipment they need to teach and learn effectively.  Administrators will be sent to help them manage the running of the schools and orphanages as well as the building process.

This will done through building relationships with Pastors throughout Africa who are already caring for the young children of this continent and who have a desire to build orphanages and schools for this generation of potential world changes.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.”
Matthew 28:19-20 AMP

Apostolic Ministry Team

Pierre Esterhuizen

Co-CEO RPM Africa
Co-Lead Apostle of RPM
5 Fold Minister of the Gospel

Maxine Esterhuizen

Co-CEO RPM Africa
Co-Lead Apostle of RPM
5 Fold Minister of the Gospel

Gerdre Ferreira

Operation Manager of RPM Africa
Elder of RPM
5 Fold Minister of the Gospel

Pierre Malan

Head of Multi-Media &
Interns Co-Ordinator

Many Ways to Give

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!”
Romans 10:14-15 NLT

Banking Information

Relentless Pursuit Ministries
ABSA Savings Account
Account No: 9356 4498 38
Branch Code: 632005
Swift Code: ABSAZAJJ

Reference: RPM Africa


RPM Africa has 3 levels of involvement in Africa. Our involvement is always lead by the Holy Spirit and it is by RPM Africa’s invitation rather than request of another party. The three stages below all start with relationship building and involve a level of trust and transparency. We are striving to build and create healthy Churches through out Africa and dilligence, time and care is put into the process. The willingness and need for Discipleship is key.

Church Planting

RPM Africa looks to plant healthy churches through out Africa under the Apostolic covering of Relentless Pursuit Ministries and our Leaders Apostles Pierre and Maxine Esterhuizen. These church plants will be Relentless Pursuit Ministries Churches and have the same vision and mission as our Main Campus situated in the Southern Tip of South Africa to make disciples of all nations. For more info go to our homepage.

Apostolic Covering

In this process already established churches will come under RPM Africa and our Apostolic covering where they will have the benefit of being mentored and discipled in the growth of their church and ministries. The ministry who chooses this will not change it’s name or vision but instead get equipped to be more effective. They will have access to our teaching resources as well as the 5 Fold Leaders within RPM Africa who will visit them from time to time and help equip their members and leaders.


Our Apostolic team will come to your ministry to equip your members or leaders. This can be done through Conferences either with other churches in the area or at your church venue. Though we desire most to see the lost saved we know that in order for that to happen not only more quickly but also more effectively, the already saved need to be discipled properly. They need to be equipped and sent out to make disciples of all nations.

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